Major update

As you noticed the forum had a huge update from version 2 to 3. We hope you will enjoy it.
Here are some new User Features you will certainly like.
Here are some new User Features you will certainly like.
Sub Forums:
In PhpBB3 there are no categories, everything is forum based. Each forum can have an unlimited number of sub-forums and you can determine whether each may be posted to or not.
Users can attach files and images with the post.
The PhpBB3 will automatically show the list of users having birthday on the current day.
Post Icons:
Users can select icons for posts. The icons will be displayed in the forums in front of the post title. New post icons can be added through the admin panel.
Font Colors:
PhpBB3 supports variety of font colors. Users can apply color to the text using the color swatch in the sidebar.
Use Profile:
In the profile, PhpBB3 will show the most active forum and most active topic related to a particular user.
User Status:
You can see the status of other users .In the left hand side of each post made by a user, the board will show user’s online/offline status.
Multiple Private Messages:
Users can now send Private Messages to multiple users.
Manage Subscriptions:
Users can manage subscriptions and can delete topics from watchlist.
Bookmark Topics:
Users can bookmark topics for future reference which can be accessed from User Control Panel.
Save Posts as Drafts:
Users can save posts as drafts. The saved posts can be accessed from the User Control Panel.
Manage Attachments:
Users can manage uploaded attachments from the User Control Panel.
This new feature ability enable a user to add friends and foes. The status of friends can be seen from the User Control Panel.
Foes are users which will be ignored by default. Posts by these users will not be fully visible and personal messages will not be permitted.